Viva Max Bela Luna (2023)


"Bela Luna" (2023), produced by Vivamax, is a gripping mystery thriller set against the stunning backdrop of a coastal paradise. Directed by a rising star in Philippine cinema, the film follows the journey of Luna, a young woman grappling with the sudden disappearance of her mother, Isabella, a renowned marine biologist.

Driven by an unyielding determination to uncover the truth, Luna embarks on a perilous quest into her mother's secretive past, uncovering a labyrinth of buried family secrets and ancient legends that intertwine with the mystical allure of the ocean.

Guided by her resilient grandmother, Alma, Luna unravels clues that lead her deeper into a world of intrigue and danger. Along the way, she forms an unexpected alliance with Gabriel, a reclusive artist haunted by his own shadows, who becomes Luna's steadfast companion in her quest for answers.

As Luna delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding Bela Luna, she discovers profound truths about her family's legacy and the powerful bond they share with the sea. With breathtaking cinematography capturing the rugged beauty of the coastline and a haunting musical score that echoes the pulse of the ocean, "Bela Luna" immerses audiences in a spellbinding tale of love, loss, and the unbreakable ties that bind us to our roots.



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